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Re: [review v3] slotinfo in struct dtv_slotinfo_list should be flexible array [BZ #25...

* Sandra Loosemore:

> I don't have any state on this particular change or what it is trying to 
> accomplish, but the linker error is the sort of thing that happens when 
> the compiler sees a reference to an object it thinks will be put in the 
> small data section, but the actual definition of the object puts it 
> somewhere else (e.g., because it is too big for small data) -- in this 
> case the .bss section.  Are there conflicting declarations about the 
> size of the object?  If that's unavoidable for some reason, another way 
> to suppress GP-relative addressing on this object would be to give it an 
> explicit .bss section attribute everywhere it's declared.

Thanks for providing this information.  Here is a small reproducer:

enum { size = 100 };

struct flexible
  int length;
  int data[];

struct inflexible
  int length;
  int data[size];

static struct flexible flexible =
   .data = { [size - 1] = 0, }

static struct inflexible inflexible =
   .data = { [size - 1] = 0, }

struct flexible *
get_flexible (void)
  return &flexible;

struct inflexible *
get_inflexible (void)
  return &inflexible;

It results in:

	.file	"t.c"
	.section	.text
	.align	2
	.global	get_flexible
	.type	get_flexible, @function
	addi	r2, gp, %gprel(flexible)
	.size	get_flexible, .-get_flexible
	.align	2
	.global	get_inflexible
	.type	get_inflexible, @function
	movhi	r2, %hiadj(inflexible)
	addi	r2, r2, %lo(inflexible)
	.size	get_inflexible, .-get_inflexible
	.section	.bss
	.type	inflexible, @object
	.size	inflexible, 404
	.align	2
	.zero	404
	.type	flexible, @object
	.size	flexible, 404
	.align	2
	.zero	404
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 9.2.1 20191101 [gcc-9-branch revision 277712]"

I think this shows that the backend uses the static type size (as in
sizeof) to determine whether an object goes into the small data
section, not the allocated object size.

The linker only sees the allocated object size, so it places the
object wrongly (although it could perhaps do something smarter because
it can see the relocations).

If the object is not placed into .bss, the choice of .sdata vs .data
is also based on the static type size, so that would need fixing too.

I don't know how to work around that in the source code.  My
preference would be to fix the backend.  I guess we could back out the
commit and disable the warning for GCC 10 instead.

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