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Re: Locales: Thousands separator

Carlos O'Donell <> さんはかきました:

> On 06/20/2018 04:10 AM, Marko Myllynen wrote:
>> Commit 70a6707 [1] changed many locales to use U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK
>> SPACE (NNBSP) as the thousands separator instead of U+00A0 NO-BREAK
>> SPACE (NBSP). The patch submission nor the follow-up discussion [2] did
>> not cite any standards or references as rationale for this change.
> No standards need citing. It was clear that SPACE was wrong.
>> Given the considerations above, what do the glibc maintainers think
>> about the current situation, is this inconsistency seen as an issue?
> ... the mistake is that we didn't check to harmonize with CLDR.
> Please file a bug and we'll change from NNBSP->NBSP to match CLDR.

CLDR usually has U+0020 SPACE, *not* U+00A0 NO-BREAK-SPACE.

See for example:

which contains:

5751	                <symbols numberSystem="latn">
5752	                        <decimal>,</decimal>
5753	                        <group> </group>
                                       ^  This is a regular space U+0020 SPACE
5754	                        <list>;</list>
5755	                        <percentSign>%</percentSign>
5756	                        <plusSign>+</plusSign>
5757	                        <minusSign>−</minusSign>
5758	                        <exponential>E</exponential>
5759	                        <superscriptingExponent>×</superscriptingExponent>
5760	                        <perMille>‰</perMille>
5761	                        <infinity>∞</infinity>
5762	                        <nan>epäluku</nan>
5763	                        <timeSeparator>.</timeSeparator>
5764	                </symbols>
> Even though I think NBSP is visually wrong, we need to change both
> CLDR and glibc at the same time to match.
> Cheers,
> Carlos.

Mike FABIAN <>

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