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Re: [rain1 at airmail dot cc] Delete abortion joke

Alexandre Oliva <> writes:
> So let me see if I understand correctly.

I see it this way:

A strong vocal objection in a current discussion is not the same as a
few words of unadorned text written 26 years ago.

A strong vocal objection is not the same as as a joke-like comment which
may or may not be actual objection.

Each of these situations is different, and needs to be handled
differently.  Sometimes the difference is subtle, sometimes it isn't,
but you can't equate different situations and complain if they're not
handled the same.

This is called "communication" and is a difficult skill to master
(certainly, this topic has shown how difficult ;).  You must consider
not only what is said, but what might have been heard.  Jeff et al took
a risk in relying on my comment, you took a risk in relying on Ondrej's
comment.  The comments were not the same, and were not heard the same,
so the risks were not the same.

Perhaps the silver lining here is that we've all learned not to assume
that others see each situation or interpret each comment the same way we

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