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Re: [PATCH] Revert Abortion joke removal.
On May 8, 2018, Torvald Riegel <> wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-05-08 at 03:30 -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> Of course he had
>> every right to feel extremely insulted for having had his explicit
>> request (early objection) completely ignored, regardless of his position
>> in the GNU project. If he behaved badly, consider he was reacting to
>> incredible insult. What excuse did the community have for its
>> incredibly insulting behavior?
> Really??? Is it now an "incredible insult" if community consensus
> considers but does not agree with your opinion?
No, that's not the insulting part.
The insulting part is seeing (and posting as part of the patch) the "Do
not remove", not asking him or even letting him know, and putting the
change in despite the "Do not remove" objection, as if it wasn't even
there. Not as if his opinion was like anyone else's, but as if it
didn't even count.
> It was a completely professional discussion, he didn't win according to
> community consensus rules, that's it.
"He didn't win" would be almost funny, if this were a game. Not just
because the debate is still underway, but mainly because he wasn't even
invited to the game before it was first misregarded as over. It's so
stacked that it almost underflows. (see?, I made another joke. not a
good one either :-)
Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist|Red Hat Brasil GNU Toolchain Engineer