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Re: [PATCH] stdlib-bsearch: middle element calculation may overflow

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:32 PM, Sergey Senozhatsky
<> wrote:
> so I modified the test I posted earlier. moved array to .bss, made array
> size reasonable (so there is no overflow). each ./a.out executes bsearch()
> 10000000 times.

Thanks for this.  It might also be useful to show the codegen
difference, which (on x86-64) is

     pushq    %r15
@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@
     cmpq    %r13, %r14
     jnb    .L6
-    leaq    (%r14,%r13), %rbx
+    movq    %r13, %rbx
     movq    (%rsp), %rdi
+    subq    %r14, %rbx
     shrq    %rbx
+    addq    %r14, %rbx
     movq    %rbx, %r15
     imulq    %r12, %r15
     addq    8(%rsp), %r15

This probably hurts by extending the critical dependency chain, as
well as by issuing more instructions.  I would like to know what the
codegen difference looks like on more RISCy architectures (maybe MIPS
and AArch64?) -- I have to wonder whether a CPU that didn't have
complex LEA would wind up generating essentially the same code either


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