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Re: RFC: Treat RTLD_GLOBAL as unique to namespace when used with dlmopen

On 07/24/2015 05:29 AM, Michael Kerrisk (man-pages) wrote:
> On 07/16/2015 06:43 AM, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
>> Michael Kerrisk and I are working on a man page for dlmopen.
> See below for the current draft of the text describing dlmopen().
> Note that this text describes how Carlos and I think the API
> is supposed to behave (at least, I think the text fits with
> discussions Carlos and I had), and it's also consistent with
> actual Solaris behavior. The BUGS section describes the
> points that make dlmopen() unfit for purpose (IIUC).
> Cheers,
> Michael
>       ....
>        #define _GNU_SOURCE
>        #include <dlfcn.h>
>        void *dlmopen (Lmid_t lmid, const char *filename, int flags);
>        Link with -ldl.
>    dlopen()
>        ...
>    dlmopen()
>        This function performs the same task as dlopen()âthe filename and
>        flags  arguments,  as  well  as  the  return value, are the same,
>        except for the differences noted below.
>        The dlmopen() function differs from dlopen() primarily in that it
>        accepts an additional argument, lmid, that specifies the link-map
>        list (also referred to as a namespace) in which the shared object
>        should  be loaded.  (By comparison, dlopen() adds the dynamically
>        loaded shared object to the same namespace as the  shared  object
>        from  which  the  dlopen()  call is made.)  The Lmid_t type is an
>        opaque handle that refers to a namespace.
>        The lmid argument is either  the  ID  of  an  existing  namespace
>        (which  can be obtained using the dlinfo(3) RTLD_DI_LMID request)
>        or one of the following special values:
>        LM_ID_BASE
>               Load the shared object in the initial namespace (i.e., the
>               application's namespace).
>        LM_ID_NEWLM
>               Create  a new namespace and load the shared object in that
>               namespace.  The object must have been correctly linked  to
>               reference   all  of  the  other  shared  objects  that  it
>               requires, since the new namespace is initially empty.
>        If handle is NULL, then the only  permitted  value  for  lmid  is
>        LM_ID_BASE.

What handle is NULL? If "filename" is NULL? This would be a glibc limitation
which we plan to fix in 2.23. We should certainly return the handle to the
base object loaded in the namespace as you suggest, just like the application
is returned upon dlopen (NULL).

>        ....
>    dlmopen() and namespaces
>        A  link-map list defines an isolated namespace for the resolution
>        of symbols by the dynamic linker.  Within a namespace,  dependent
>        shared  objects  are  implicitly  loaded  according  to the usual
>        rules, and symbol references are likewise resolved  according  to
>        the  usual  rules, but such resolution is confined to the definiâ
>        tions provided by the objects  that  have  been  (explicitly  and
>        implicitly) loaded into the namespace.
>        The  dlmopen() function permits object-load isolationâthe ability
>        to load a shared object in a new namespace without  exposing  the
>        rest  of the application to the symbols made available by the new
>        object.  Note that the use of the RTLD_LOCAL flag is  not  suffiâ
>        cient  for this purpose, since it prevents a shared object's symâ
>        bols from being available to any other shared  object.   In  some
>        cases,  we may want to make the symbols provided by a dynamically
>        loaded shared object available to  (a  subset  of)  other  shared
>        objects without exposing those symbols to the entire application.
>        This can be achieved  by  using  a  separate  namespace  and  the
>        RTLD_GLOBAL flag.

Lastly, RTLD_LOCAL loaded objects may be promoted to RTLD_GLOBAL if they
are dependencies of another RTLD_GLOBAL loaded object. Therefore RTLD_LOCAL
is still not sufficient to isolate the loaded shared object without explicit
control over all object dependencies.

>        Possible  uses  of  dlmopen() are plugins where the author of the
>        plugin-loading framework can't trust the plugin authors and  does
>        not  wish  any  undefined symbols from the plugin framework to be
>        resolved to plugin symbols.  Another use  is  to  load  the  same
>        object  more than once.  Without the use of dlmopen(), this would
>        require the creation of distinct  copies  of  the  shared  object
>        file.   Using dlmopen(), this can be achieved by loading the same
>        shared object file into different namespaces.
>        The glibc implementation supports a maximum of 16 namespaces.
>        ...
>        As  at  glibc  2.21, specifying the RTLD_GLOBAL flag when calling
>        dlmopen()   generates   an   error.    Furthermore,    specifying
>        RTLD_GLOBAL  when  calling  dlopen()  results  in a program crash
>        (SIGSEGV) if the call is made from any object loaded in a  namesâ
>        pace other than the initial namespace.

Looks good to me. We need dlinfo documented also, which you already know,
but I wanted to make that explicit in this public discussion.


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