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Re: [PATCH] Inline mempcpy

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 12:53:24PM +0100, Wilco Dijkstra wrote:
> > Joseph Myers wrote:
> > On Mon, 18 May 2015, Wilco Dijkstra wrote:
> > 
> > This seems plausible, subject to getting per-architecture agreement (for
> > each architecture with mempcpy.S) on whether to define
> > _HAVE_STRING_ARCH_mempcpy.  Although there may be the question of whether
> > __extern_always_inline should be defined at all for !__GNUC_PREREQ (3,2)
> > (i.e. when the always_inline attribute isn't supported).
> It would be good to fix the *always_inline defines, but I for now I've added
> an extra check for __GNUC_PREREQ (3,2) to be sure we don't fail to inline on
> really old GCCs. So here's the actual patch - I've disabled inlining for SPARC, 
> and from previous comments it seems people prefer the inline mempcpy on x64/x86 
> and PPC (I've included the maintainers for those arches to agree/veto).
> OK for commit?
> Wilco
Adhemerval already acked this for powerpc in this thread.
For x64 I obviously agree. I added optimized memcpy. As mempcpy I
submitted patch, then forgotten about it after about ten pings.

So on x64 on sandy bridge this will improve performance by around 50% on
larger strings as you see even in benchtest

builtin_memcpy  simple_memcpy   __memcpy_avx_unaligned __memcpy_ssse3_back     __memcpy_ssse3  __memcpy_sse2_unaligned __memcpy_sse2
Length  448, alignment  0/ 0:   39.0625 791.812 35.9844 30.8438 34.7344 34.2344 53.5469
Length  448, alignment 28/ 0:   47.0625 791     57.9531 34.6562 43.4219 46.7344 67.4219
Length  448, alignment  0/28:   53.5781 790.766 79      37.1719 46.1875 57.1719 87.7812
Length  448, alignment 28/28:   37.5    790.719 47.2812 31.7188 35.0625 36.0781 60.9375
Length  464, alignment  0/ 0:   37.3125 817.516 37.9688 31.7188 33.7812 33.9062 56.2969
Length  464, alignment 29/ 0:   47.375  817.641 59.2812 35.4375 50.8281 46.9219 72.4219
Length  464, alignment  0/29:   56.5625 817.781 78.625  38.9688 47.5625 56.4688 96
Length  464, alignment 29/29:   39.4219 817.594 45.2656 31.3906 35.2031 36.7188 62.5469
Length  480, alignment  0/ 0:   38.2344 844.891 38      31.7188 34.2344 35.25   57.2969
Length  480, alignment 30/ 0:   48.5781 844.406 60.3438 35.9844 47.5625 47.4375 69.9531
Length  480, alignment  0/30:   55.4688 844.25  81.7031 37.2656 49.6406 55.1562 98.2188
Length  480, alignment 30/30:   37.1719 844.812 42.4219 32.5    35.4844 34.9688 65.7188
Length  496, alignment  0/ 0:   38.3281 870.906 38.9688 32.7656 36.5312 33.2656 64.25
Length  496, alignment 31/ 0:   43.8906 870.906 56.8906 35.6719 51.7969 43.75   72.1406
Length  496, alignment  0/31:   61.9531 871.094 79.1875 39.1094 47.7031 61.2188 104.359
Length  496, alignment 31/31:   42.6875 870.906 46      34.2344 34.9688 41.2656 63.7969
Length 4096, alignment  0/ 0:   244.297 6870.81 3477.34 238.188 227.344 241     457.766

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