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Please clean up patchwork

There are currently over 500 glibc patches shown at 

If a patch of yours has been committed, please mark it as such; if 
superseded by a newer version, likewise.  See 
<> for more 
details.  Making such updates for other people's patches is a good idea as 
well if you can reliably determine the state of a patch.  Reviewing 
patches that need review is also useful; marking committed / superseded / 
rejected patches helps make it easier to see what needs review; the 
present list is too long to see that easily.

Note: do not trust the patch names to be reliable in all cases; look at 
the actual patch shown to see whether that particular patch was approved / 
superseded / committed / ....  A patch posted in the middle of the 
discussion of another patch may well have a misleading name in patchwork 
(i.e. the subject line of the email, which may actually relate to another 
patch).  In particular, [COMMITTED] markers in patch subjects don't always 
indicate that the patch described by that patchwork entry was committed; 
sometimes the patchwork entry is for an uncommitted patch posted in 
discussion of a committed one.

Joseph S. Myers

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