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Interest in Helping with GNU C Library Manual

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to help the GNU C Library manual with some general edits.
Particularly, I have been reading Chapter 28 System Databases and Name
Service Switch and there are a large number of grammatical errors,
misspellings, and some ambiguities. For example, in section 28.3.1 The
Naming Scheme of the NSS Modules, there is the sentence:

"You see, what is explained above in not the whole truth."

Clearly, "is" was meant instead of "in" - a spelling error. Actually, in
context, that whole sentence could be removed because it doesn't add
much substance to the following information or overall content. Also,
the next sentence begins with a phrase that indicates the same
sentiment, creating a redundancy. I would consider this to be a
grammatical and clarity issue. Not having established myself as a GNU C
Library manual editor, I would leave the decision as to whether I should
just correct the spelling mistake or remove the sentence up to you. Of
course, I would err on the side of simply correcting the spelling
mistake so as not to make any substantial, unwarranted edits.

For now, I happen to be reading only this section, and thought I might
ask if you would like help correcting basic problems with it. I intend
upon reading the manual at greater length in the future, so it seems
like an opportune time to ask if you would also like some proofing done.
I have basic programming knowledge so I should be able to make sense of
most of the manual (how else would I even know I wanted to read it?)
and, since I will be reading it for the first time, will be much more
inclined to spend extra time on it.

I have been keeping an eye out for an opportunity to work on something
with the open-source community but do not have experience in
collaborating on large projects. I assume the manual is kept in a branch
of a development tree somewhere I can git a clone from and push edits
back to but you will have to help me with the details of the process
should we wind up working together.

This turned out to be much more of a cover letter than I ever would have
imagined, so thank you for taking the time to read it and let me know if
I can be of any help.

Thank you,
Rical Jasan

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