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Re: Minimum floating-point requirements

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Joseph S. Myers
<> wrote:

> I am not proposing changing the default - that is, -mieee would not be the
> default.

> For functions implemented through templates in headers, the options used
> by the library user will determine which functions are used.  For
> functions in the prebuilt library, I think the same reasoning as for glibc
> indicates that libstdc++ should be built with the new option (or
> -frounding-math): C++11 includes <cfenv> which allows changing rounding
> modes, and without anything in the standard to restrict what functions or
> operations may be used in non-default rounding modes, all functions and
> operations must follow their specified semantics when used in such modes -
> meaning, in particular, that the results of long double functions and
> operations need to be valid long double values.  (This is different from
> floating-point configurations that can only be achieved by direct register
> manipulation, or from signal handlers where the standards have explicit
> restrictions on what interfaces may be used.)  So in the absence of
> separate versions of libstdc++ functions for use with -frounding-math,
> that indicates building libstdc++ to use the new functions.  However, I
> propose to leave any such changes to the libstdc++ maintainers.

So the proposal is that it is not the default, but it will be the
default for all practical purposes.  This effectively is a proposal to
change the common behavior to a mode that has a significant
performance impact.

- David

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