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Re: Implementation of C11 Bounds-checking interfaces

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Ulrich Bayer <> wrote:
> We wrote an implementation of the bounds-checking C functions (as
> specified in Annex K of the current C standard, a.k.a. C11) for use with
> the GNU C library. Annex K includes the _s functions, such as strcpy_s,
> strcat_s etc.
> It is my understanding that you prefer having such an implementation in
> an external library which is why our implementation is a self-contained
> library. It’s mostly a wrapper around glibc functions but in a couple of
> cases we had to directly reuse code from glibc. It is supposed to work
> with GCC and Glibc. It compiles and all test cases run successfully on
> recent linux distributions (OpenSuSE, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu).
> This library consists of
> -)a thread-safe implementation of all functions specified in the ISO
> Standard (except widechar functions)
> -)API documentation for all functions
> -)test cases for all functions
> -) overloaded C++ template functions for easier use when compiling with g++
> More information about the project is available at:
> Of course, we welcome your feedback.

Thank you for the great work!

What was the reason given for not wanting to integrate this work with glibc?

Do you have a reference to the public discussion?

My personal inclination is to attempt to include this functionality in
glibc, but I don't have that much experience with the functions in
Annex K.

Perhaps others will comment.


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