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Weekday/Workday for EU locales

There are a multitude of bugs in the database related to the wrong first weekday/workday for locales within the EU.

In the Official Journal of the European Union:

(2004/C 78 E/0469)
by Christopher Huhne (ELDR) to the Commission
(14 October 2003)
Subject: Standardisation of computer dates
Will the Commission state whether there is any EU legislation that sets a standard format for dates in
computer software?
Answer given by Mr Liikanen on behalf of the Commission
(24 November 2003)
The format for dates in computer software has not been regulated by Community legislation.
However, in 1992 the European Committee For Standardization (1) has adopted ISO 8601 under the
standard EN 28601 to end the traditional confusion involving periods, slashes, the order of the numbers,
and other date formats formerly used throughout Europe.

So it seems ISO 8601 is the standard we need to refer to to for such information within the EU.


Section 2.2.8, calendar week:

time interval of seven calendar days starting with a Monday

So can we, pretty please, agree that at least for EU countries that fixing the first weekday and first workday to Monday within the appropriate locales is the right thing to do?


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