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source tree status

The cvs source tree is now complete frozen. The tree tagged for the 2.10 release and there is a branch. All prepared to start eh development of 2.11.

But before that we'll finish the conversion to git. To enable Jim to do this no checkins are allowed to the cvs anymore. Should you think you have a reason to change the repository contact me.

Once the conversion is done we will immediately switch over to use git as the only repository. The master branch will be the 2.11 development tree and there is an 2.10 branch if it becomes necessary.

Once the git repository has been verified we'll remove all files from the cvs tree to prevent people from mistaking the cvs tree for the development tree. This will not remove any content. The branches are still useful and populated. Only the trunk will be empty.

We keep the main repository on sourceware. But I don't expect anybody to use this repository directly, only by pulling from the server. Any published change will be pushed to that server. Sending patches can, as usual, be done in patch form by email. But since we're using git, contributors can also publish their own git trees and pull requests can be send. I don't expect that everybody (or many) people host their trees on sourceware. People can host trees elsewhere.

Releases going forward will be marked using gpg-signed tags. We will likely start this with the 2.10 release once the git tree is up and running.

All this assumes some familiarity with git. There are plenty of tutorials and for those familiar with cvs, git can be used much like cvs if this is wanted.

Once everything is set up I'll send out another email.

â Ulrich Drepper â Red Hat, Inc. â 444 Castro St â Mountain View, CA â

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