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Possibility to not fork nscd

Hi all,

I'd searched for a possibility to prevent nscd from forking. I want to
handle it via daemontools but daemontools are just usable with
non-forking daemons. So the attached patch (applies for 2.3.5 and 2.3.6)
adds an option "--nofork" ("-n") and prevents nscd from forking.

Greets, Lars
P.S.: Please put me in CC, 'cause I'm not on
      "Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare
          Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann"
         -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: ÂNegative DialektikÂ

name: Lars H. Strojny      web: 
street: EngelsstraÃe 23    blog:
city: D-51103 KÃln         mail/jabber:
f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417  328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07

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