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GNU glibc and the CLDR locales


I see that the recently-released glibc-2.3.4 has about 189 locales.
In comparision, CLDR 1.2 has I believe 231 locales in it.

Can someone please clarify for me the following simple questions:

1) What is the current origin of the 189 locales in glibc-2.3.4? Are these
   still the set of accrued locale data from glibc, or have these data already
   been influenced/augmented by the CLDR/ICU locale data?

2) If the current glibc locale data have not yet been influenced/augmented
   by the CLDR project, is there a plan to do so by the glibc maintainers?

3) If there is a plan by the glibc maintainers to derive all future glibc locale data
   from the CLDR XML data repository, does this mean that we can look forward to having
   all of the localedata in UTF-8 format when it is translated into the POSIX format
   required by glibc? (This would be much nicer than the mish-mash of legacy encodings).

4) Is there any future plan to extend the glibc library to, say, read directly from the
   CLDR LDML XML format?

- Ed Trager
  Bioinformatics Programmer
  Kellogg Eye Center
  University of Michigan,
  Ann Arbor

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