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Re: Questions for Geiser

On 04/07/2015 10:03 AM, Dan Leslie wrote:
In Guile, Chicken and others there are various actions that are only
available at the REPL, like setting breakpoints and whatnot. Generally a
comma precedes the method name in order to differentiate it from a
symbol that could be found in the active environment.

Yes - and I think that is quite ugly.

Geiser exploits the ability to define new functions of this sort in
order to avoid polluting the active environment with geiser-specific
methods. There are perhaps other ways I can avoid name collisions and
other concerns, but my first inclination was to attempt to describe new
toplevel functions of this form.

Kawa has compound names and namespaces, which IMO is cleaner:

(geiser:set-breakpoint "foo.scm" 96)

If that is too verbose, a user can define their own prefix:

(define-namespace g geiser:namespace-uri)
(g:set-breakpoint "foo.scm" 96)

The Kawa compiler and run-time do quite a bit of reflection.  For example you can
import a plain-old-Java-class with static fields (using the R7RS import
command), and the static fields become bindings in the importing scope.
When you import a module/library, Kawa basically resolves the module to a Java class,
and then just looks at the public fields of the class, figuring out the bindings
from those.

Very interesting! Are these utilities documented? I was digging through
the info docs and website yesterday, but I readily accept that I may
have overlooked it.

At this point, there is no documented/public API.

I've started on a (kawa expressions) library (see the source in
kawa/lib/kawa/expressions.scm).  This is currently primarily used for writing
custom optimization hooks (see kawa/lib/compile_map.scm, which optimizes
map and for-each).  It could be the start of a general expression-reflection API.
It's not documented, as it's fairly recent and a work-in-progress.
	--Per Bothner

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