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writing to parameter / type-switch

I'm trying to run some code that does roughly this:

(define (foo . opt)
  (set! opt (if (null? opt) #f (car opt)))

(display (foo 1))

./kawa-type-switch.scm:7:13: warning - type java.lang.Boolean is incompatible with required type list ./kawa-type-switch.scm:7:3: warning - cannot convert literal (of type java.lang.Boolean) to Type list Value '1' for variable 'opt' has wrong type (integer) (gnu.math.IntNum cannot be cast to gnu.lists.LList)
    at kawa$Mntype$$V(kawa-type-switch.scm:7)
    at kawa$Mntype$Mnswitch.applyN(kawa-type-switch.scm:6)

I can work around it, but is there a way to make kawa happy with this?


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