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Re: r7rs library exporting syntax?

Great!  thanks.  I suspect this one is related.  (see attached)


On 11/23/2014 08:30 PM, Per Bothner wrote:

On 11/23/2014 05:34 PM, Seth Alves wrote:
Other r7rs schemes are able to export the result of define-syntax from an r7rs library. Should I expect this to work?

I checked in a fix for your testcase.

The problem was that define-syntax uses a helper macro %define-syntax,
which is defined by Java code. But %define-syntax was bound in a dynamic environment - which is disabled inside a define-library. The fix was to explicitly import
%define-syntax in the file that defines define-syntax.

(I earlier did the same for define and %define.)

Attachment: kawa-r7rs-export-record.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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