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Re: Using Kawa as an embedded scripting language

On 08/25/2011 11:38 AM, Jamison Hope wrote:
I'm not sure why that doesn't work,

The problem was that Kawa was generating the same class name for both evals. The second eval compiles a reference to the class from the first eval - but because it has the same class name, the class loader doesn't find the class.

I checked in a fix to generate unique class names - it should work now.

but I'm guessing that the one-argument
eval isn't using the right Environment. Try [two-argument eval] instead:

Aha! The one-argument eval ends up calling gnu.expr.Language.eval. However,
two-argument eval ends up calling kawa.lang.Eval#evalBody - which *does* have
the necessary logic to set the class name. And coincidentally (?) the same way.
(Great minds think alike - especially when it's the same mind a few years apart.)

So things work now, but it seems some refactoring or code-sharing would
be appropriate.
	--Per Bothner

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