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Re: Performance

I remember that a long time ago, in older versions of the original shootout, Java used to rank really badly until the shootout author made the following changes:

1. Added a Hello World test program to measure startup time.

2. Subtracted the time of the Hello World test from every other result in the comparison table.

I wonder if (a) the new shootout employs a similar method for comparing implementations, (b) given that, whether you're comparing the test runtimes properly.

The new shootout does have the Hello World test as the "startup" example.

On Jun 21, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Per Bothner wrote:

Per Bothner wrote: takes about 1.6s, while binarytrees.scm takes
about 1.2s.  These are unofficial numbers, of course.

Ooops that was backwards - I'm now (on JDK 1.5) getting 1.2s for and 1.7s for binarytrees.scm. Startup time is definitely a factor: Running the latter 10 times takes about 10.8s. -- --Per Bothner

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