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Re: Questioning the withdom of bundling gdb and insight

On середа 17 травень 2006, Keith Seitz wrote:
= PS. Patches welcome to build using external tcl, tk, itcl...

The patch for the itcl code, to make it work with ITcl/ITk-3.3 can be found 

FreeBSD port of gdb can now be (optionally) built with Insight. If the 
GUI-option is enabled, the following additional flags are passed to gdb's 

	--enable-gdbtk  --with-tclconfig=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.4	\
	--with-tclinclude=/usr/local/include/tcl8.4/generic	\
	--with-tkconfig=/usr/local/lib/tk8.4	\
	--with-tkinclude=/usr/local/include/tk8.4/generic	\
	--with-itclconfig=/usr/local/lib/itcl3.3	\

Note, that the obsolete version of itcl (and itk) bundled with insight is not 
extracted. Instead, headers of ITcl and ITk 3.3 headers are sym-linked into 
the (otherwise empty) itcl/generic subdirectory.

To spare the FreeBSD users the need to download the entire insight (22Mb), I 
rolled my own tarball, which contains _only_ the gdb/gdbtk and the libgui 
subdirectories of the distribution (845Kb):

This is extracted on top of the gdb-6.6 sources, if the user asks for the GUI 

Please, consider upgrading your GUI code to ITcl/ITk-3.3 using the patch 

Please, independently consider abandoning the practice of bundling 
ITcl/IWidgets with Insight.

Please, independently consider releasing the Insight's _extra code_ in 
_addition_ to the gdb tarball, instead of bundling gdb sources inside 

Thank you,


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