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Execution of ~/.gdbinit
- From: "Esben Rugbjerg" <esbenrugbjerg at gmail dot com>
- To: "Insight mailingliste" <insight at sourceware dot org>
- Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:53:22 +0200
- Subject: Execution of ~/.gdbinit
I have a very simple .gdbinit containing the following commands:
set history filename .gdb_history
set history save on
set history expansion on
echo .gdbinit has been executed \n
As far as I can se in the GDB documentation this should enable command
history such that when I write a command in the console, it should be
added to the history and load by the program the next time I start it.
The line '.gdbinit has been executed ' is never outputted anywhere
when I run insight.
If I issue a 'show history' command in the console i Insight I get the
following answer:
expansion: History expansion on command input is on.
filename: The filename in which to record the command history is
save: Saving of the history record on exit is on.
size: The size of the command history is 256.
But I am not able to scroll in the commands in the history.
If I run GDB in the same directory I have no problems.
Can anybody give an explanation ?
Best regards
Esben Rugbjerg
Esben Rugbjerg
NÃrre Alle 75, 555
2100 Kbh. Ã
hjemme-tlf.: +45 82320555
mobil-tlf.: +45 28715166