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RE: mail address in the mailing list archive

On 29 May 2007 13:21, Dave Korn wrote:

> On 29 May 2007 09:07, maxpagani@libero.OOPSNEARLYHAPPENEDAGAIN wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     since a while this email address of mine has started receiving spam.
>>     Being always careful not to disclose the address in the wrong places, I
>>     did some trivial investigation such as googling for my email address. I
>> found that although I used the usual trick (@ -> at) a reply
>> ( to my message
>> ( contained my
>> syntactically correct email address. I wonder if it is possible for you to
>> fix the archive so that my address no longer appears in clear text.
>   It's not within my purview to edit the archives,

  Oh, but if you're really intent on going down this road, see
for details and contact information.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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