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Re: Tcl_Init failed: can't read "env(TCL_LIBRARY)": no such variable

Hi, thanks.

- How did you build insight?
A: I built it by issuing configure;make; make install
- Where is it installed, i.e., --prefix?
A: I didn't add prefix argument. So it should be
- Are tcl/tk/itcl installed in --prefix?
A: I didn't install them seperately. I think they were
installed when I install insight
- What does "which tclsh8.4" return?
- What does "which insight" return?
A: /usr/local/bin/insight
- Can you run it from your build directory?
A: you mean ./insight under the build directory? There
is no such file.

- TCL_LIBRARY is actually defined in and used by the
Tcl libraries. Can  you run just the tcl shell that
was installed by your insight installation?
A: when I run tcl, "tcl>" is able to appear.

BTW, the same problem exists for my installation of
insight 6.4.

Thanks again.

--- Keith Seitz <> wrote:

> Lai Xuecheng wrote:
> > After reinstalling my os (redhat 9), the gui
> version
> > of insight cannot be used. The following error
> occurs
> > when insight is issued: 
> > Tcl_Init failed: can't read "env(TCL_LIBRARY)": no
> > such variable
> That usually means that (insight's version of) Tcl
> is not properly 
> installed. Some quick questions:
> - How did you build insight?
> - Where is it installed, i.e., --prefix?
> - Are tcl/tk/itcl installed in --prefix?
> - What does "which tclsh8.4" return?
> - What does "which insight" return?
> - Can you run it from your build directory?
> > The above problem applies to both insight 6.1 and
> 6.2
> What about 6.4 or a snapshot (6.5 is around the
> corner)?
> > The insight document says 
> > 
> > "Name			Description
> > 	----			-----------
> > 	TCL_LIBRARY		The location of the Tcl library
> files
> > ....
> > 
> > All of the environment variables for controlling
> > Insight are well documented
> > in gdb/gdbtk/library/main.tcl. Search for "env" to
> > find them all",
> > but I cannot find any occurence of the word
> > TCL_LIBRARY in the file main.tcl.
> > 
> > Does anyone have any idea about what is happening?
> TCL_LIBRARY is actually defined in and used by the
> Tcl libraries. Can 
> you run just the tcl shell that was installed by
> your insight installation?
> Keith

Lai Xuecheng, PhD Candidate
National University of Singapore, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research interests: Path Planning and Navigation for Constrained Mobile Robots

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