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[PATCH] Arbitrary width memory window.


The attached patch permits the memory window to be set to any number of bytes per row between 1 and 150 (alignment permitting).

It changes the combo box from a fixed list to an editable value. This value is then properly validated and adjusted to fit the current word size. It is also adjusted automatically when the word size is altered.

Therefore it is now possible to have, say, 10 bytes, or 3 words, or 5 floats, all of which were not possible before.

Andrew Stubbs
2005-01-10  Andrew Stubbs  <>

	* library/mempref.itb (MemPref::constructor): Allow the Byte Per Row
	combo box to accept arbitrary values.
	(MemPref::set_bytes_per_row): Validate the new value; reject invalid
	entries and round up to a multiple of the word size.
	(MemPref::apply): Read the value from the text box even if the user
	has not pressed return.
	(MemPref::enable_format): Ensure the bytes per row value is still valid.
	(MemPref::disable_format): Likewise.
	* library/mempref.ith (MemPref): Add $gbprlist.

Index: src/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.itb
--- src.orig/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.itb	2006-01-03 18:23:57.000000000 +0000
+++ src/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.itb	2006-01-10 14:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ itcl::body MemPref::constructor {args} {
   set gnumbytes $numbytes
   set gbpr $bpr
+  set gbprlist [list 4 8 16 32 64 128]
   set gascii $ascii
   set gascii_char $ascii_char
@@ -153,14 +154,11 @@ itcl::body MemPref::build_win {} {
   label $fr.2.l -text "Bytes Per Row "
   set Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) [::combobox::combobox $fr.2.c \
 				  -command [code $this set_bytes_per_row]  \
-				  -width 4 -editable 0 -font global/fixed \
+				  -width 4 -editable 1 -font global/fixed \
 				  -bg $::Colors(textbg)]
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 4
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 8
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 16
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 32
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 64
-  $fr.2.c list insert end 128
+  foreach item $gbprlist {
+    $fr.2.c list insert end $item
+  }
   $fr.2.c configure -value $gbpr
   pack $fr.2.l -side left -anchor e
@@ -264,7 +262,40 @@ itcl::body MemPref::check_numbytes {var 
 #  METHOD:  set_bytes_per_row - combobox callback to set the bytes per row
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 itcl::body MemPref::set_bytes_per_row {w value} {
-  set gbpr $value
+  if {[string is integer -strict $value] && [expr {$value != 0}]} {
+    # The input is a value number.
+    set gbpr $value
+    set gbpr [string trim $gbpr]
+    # Too high a number will cause a Segmentation fault.
+    if {[expr {$gbpr > 150}]} {set gbpr 150}
+    # Insert the value into the combo box list, if it isn't there already.
+    set found 0
+    foreach item $gbprlist {
+      if {$item == $gbpr} {
+        set found 1
+      }
+    }
+    if {[expr {$found == 0}]} {
+      lappend gbprlist $gbpr
+      $Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) list insert end $gbpr
+    }
+    set s $gsize
+    if {[expr {$s == 3}]} {set s 4}
+    if {[expr {$s == 5}]} {set s 8}
+    set rem [expr {$gbpr % $s}]
+    if {[expr {$rem != 0}]} {
+      # The bytes-per-row is not a multiple of the size.
+      set gbpr [expr {$gbpr + ($s - $rem)}]
+    }
+  }
+  # Set the display to the new value. This may be different if the input
+  # was zero or not a number, or if the user entered any whitespace.
+  $Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) delete 0 end
+  $Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) insert end $gbpr
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -318,6 +349,9 @@ itcl::body MemPref::apply {} {
+  # Ensure the value has been read from the text field.
+  set_bytes_per_row "" [$Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) get]
   # pass all the changed values back to parent
   debug "$win configChange -size $size -numbytes $numbytes \
 	     -format $format -ascii $gascii \
@@ -338,6 +372,10 @@ itcl::body MemPref::apply {} {
 #  METHOD:  enable_format - turn on the format radio buttons 
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 itcl::body MemPref::enable_format {} {
+  # First ensure bytes per row is a multiple of the size.
+  # Use the value of the widget, not $gbpr to ensure the typed value is kept.
+  set_bytes_per_row "" [$Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) get]
   if {!$format_disabled} {
@@ -353,6 +391,10 @@ itcl::body MemPref::enable_format {} {
 #  METHOD:  disable_format - turn off the format radio buttons 
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 itcl::body MemPref::disable_format {} {
+  # First ensure bytes per row is a multiple of the size.
+  # Use the value of the widget, not $gbpr to ensure the typed value is kept.
+  set_bytes_per_row "" [$Widgets(b-bytes_per_row) get]
   if {$format_disabled} {
Index: src/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.ith
--- src.orig/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.ith	2006-01-03 18:23:57.000000000 +0000
+++ src/gdb/gdbtk/library/mempref.ith	2006-01-06 18:41:05.000000000 +0000
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ itcl::class MemPref {
     variable gformat 
     variable gnumbytes 
     variable gbpr 
+    variable gbprlist
     variable gascii  
     variable gascii_char 
     variable gvar

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