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Re: Current Status of Insight


Christopher Faylor wrote on 16.05.2005 18:08:44:

> The project is only "dead" because no one is actively caring for it.
> Making it part of gdb does not mean that someone will magically appear
> to keep it alive.  You still need people to do that.
> We CAN fix this.  All that we need are volunteers to keep insight
> healthy.  While it would be nice to have insight officially part of gdb,
> it has managed to survive fairly well for a long time in its present
> state.

As many others I am interested in keeping Insight alive and prospering.
Unfortunately my knowledge of tcl/tk is only of experimental nature, so
I might be not of much help there but (with limited time - I also need
to talk to my employer first) I could maybe do something here and there.


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