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Re: Names in libguile

On 17 Mar 2000, Greg J. Badros wrote:

> Well you could rename them to scm_xxxx_s (i.e., append _s), but you
> aren't going to be able to make them scm_s_xxxx because I create then
> name using cpp pasting in snarf.h.  see, e.g., the SCM_INIT macro
> there.

There is still another option:  You could simply drop the scm_ prefix when
calling the macro, and then, instead of having
     SCM_DEFINE (scm_xxx, ...
be transformed by
     static const char s_ ## FNAME [] = PRIMNAME;
and  scm_make_subr (s_ ## FNAME, TYPE, FNAME); 
you could do
     SCM_DEFINE (xxx, ...
and let this get transformed into
     static const char scm_s_ ## FNAME [] = PRIMNAME;
and  scm_make_subr (scm_s_ ## FNAME, TYPE, FNAME);
et voila!

This _may_ be a win, because when applied consistently, the macros in
snarf.h would automatically take care of choosing the right
prefix:  SCM_SYMBOL could automatically provide scm_sym_, you simply could
not avoid it :-)

On the other hand, it may be confusing.  It at least would require
documentation for the macros in snarf.h.  Maybe, in general, there should
be a macro in snarf.h that allows to document macros?

Best regards
Dirk Herrmann

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