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a simple problem

This is probably a frequent problem, so I apologize in advance.

I wrote a small program (guile 1.3) to illustrate my problem.  I'm
trying to copy from one port to another.  I'd hoped to use
read-line/write-line to do so, but it appears that for binary data
there's a problem.  However, I thought the 'split option to read-line
could help me work around it. 

Interestingly enough, the split flag leads me to copy the correct
number of bytes, but the data is different than I expect.  Am I
completely misunderstanding the usage of the split flag and the
difference between display and write-line?

Thanks in advance.


#!/usr/local/bin/guile -s

(define in (open-input-file "/var/lib/locatedb"))
(define out (open-output-file "/tmp/b"))

;this works but it __dirt__ slow and doesn't fit the interface I'd
;(define (cp-port in-port out-port)	
;   (let ((data (read-char in-port)))
;     (if (eof-object? data)
;	#t
;	(begin
;	   (write-char data out-port)
;	   (cp-port in-port out-port)))))

;this should work and does copy the correct number of bytes,
;but the bytes written to the output port appear wrong
(define (cp-port in-port out-port)	
   (let ((data (read-line in-port 'split)))
     (if (eof-object? (cdr data))
	  (display (car data) out-port)
	   (write-line (car data) out-port)
	   (cp-port in-port out-port)))))

(cp-port in out)

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