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Re: Scheme tutorial

"Ian Bicking" <> writes:

> The tutorials for text-processing languages tend to involve parsing 
> some text file using all the language features and primitives 
> available, put together in a way customized for some particular 
> problem.  I'd like to do the same thing for Scheme.  Lists are top-
> dog in Scheme, so they'd certainly show up.  But, IMHO, 
> programming filter should be an aside, solving a problem should be 
> the point.  What problems do people solve with Guile?

One neat thing that I've written in guile, as part of a larger C++
application, is a recursive decent parser.  Thanks to a nifty macro or
two, the syntax description maps almost directly to scheme code, which
kind of highlights what you can do with Scheme that is very difficult
in other languages: create a mini-language in the problem domain, and
then solve the problem using the mini-language.

Doing the same thing in yacc/lex would have been horrible to code, and
horrible to maintain.

Maybe this is too much for an introduction...


"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world.  Unreasonable people
attempt to adapt the world to themselves.  All progress, therefore,
depends on unreasonable people."
             -- George Bernard Shaw