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Re: finite state machines in guile

	I've been reading this thread and found the related paper: "Proper Tail
Recursion and Space Efficiency" on the Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGPLAN 
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) by
William D Clinger. I quote the Abstract:

"The IEEE/ANSI standard for Scheme requires impementantions to be properly
tail recursive. This ensures that portable code can rely upon the space
efficiency of continuation-passing style and other idioms. On its face, porper
tail recursion concerns the efficiency of procedure calls that occur within a
tail context. When examinded closely, proper tail recursion also depends 
upon  the fact that garbage collection can be asymptotically more 
space-efficient than Algol-like stack allocation.

"Proper tail recursion is not the same as ad hoc tail call optimization in 
stack-based languages. Proper tail recursion often precludes stack allocation 
of variables, but yields a well-defined asymptotic space complexity that 
can be relied upon by portable programs.

"This paper offers a formal and implementation-independent definition of proper
tail recursion for Scheme. It also shows how an entire family of reference
implementations can be used to characterize related safe-for-space properties,
and proves the asymptotic inequalities that hold between them."

	I'm not saying I actually understand/can use this work, but maybe a 
look to it you gurus could give another starting point.

	Reference is: ACM 0-89791-987-4/98/0006

Javier Abdul Cordoba Gandara

"Is it over by just forgetting?  I can't forgive anybody who forget their 
sadness, love, hate....   
Because...  I never did..." -- Vampire Princess Miyu