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Trond Mathias Døskeland writes:
 > I also get this problem with e.g. error LNK2001: unresolved
 > external symbol _gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_pr.  This
 > happen even though I write libgsl.lib and libgslcblas.lib in
 > project settings.

Sachin Moghe writes:
 > I keep getting a linking error: "error LNK2001: unresolved external
 > symbol _gsl_interp_cspline" when I try to compile the example
 > program in the interpolation section. I am sure I have included the
 > two lib files: C:\softwares\GSL\include\gsl - header files
 > C:\softwares\GSL\lib\libgsl.lib - Main lib file
 > C:\softwares\GSL\lib\libgslcblas.lib - BLAS lib file Also, the
 > 'include' and 'lib' paths are correctly set.
 >  Can anyone please suggest any solution ?

The library is a DLL so you need to compile your code with /MD.

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