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Re: gsl_cspline_init bug?

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, R. Sean Bowman wrote:

> gsl: view_source.c:28: ERROR: vector length n must be positive integer
> Default GSL error handler invoked.
> Aborted

I can reproduce the error message. But if I set PTS to 10 (as the example
in the manual), the problem disappears.

> Isn't this a problem?  Shouldn't csplines need more than two points to do
> interpolation?

Yes, and maybe we should validate the input parameters :-).


Kenneth Geisshirt, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Grøndals Parkvej 2A, 3. sal          
DK-2720 Vanløse                                     +45 38 87 78 38

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