gsl-discuss archive
subject index for 1999

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the GSL project.

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"Object oriented" description of functions

["Khimenko Victor" <>] Can not compile some GSL-based programs with SHARED GLIBC 2.1.1

[gnu.announce,gnu.misc.discuss] Why you shouldn't use the Library GPL for your next library

[Jan Kasprzak <>] [patch] gsl-0.4 and Linux/glibc2.1

[Liam Healy <>] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

[REVISED] Re: first (very crude) stab at an abstract

Re: [REVISED^2] Re: further stab at an abstract

[this is the full note] the game's afoot, Watson

_impl and _e -- what is the Difference?

Re: Additions this summer.

ANNOUNCE: GSL 0.4.1 is out

another blas_cblas bug???

away for 1 month

a bit of a breather for 0.4.1

blas makefile

blas question

blas_raw_cblas.c and blas_raw_cblas_cm.c

Bug in 'fft'

Bug in info regarding VEGAS

bug in rng.c

Bug with gsl_blas ?

BUG: gsl-0.4.1/randist/discrete.c typename stack_t conflict on HP

Building gsl-0.4.1 on SGI IRIX 6.x

C++ support

can i use gsl with djgpp ?

can't cvs it ..

cblas and gsl_raw_blas.h

cblas, blas, linking and undefined symbols



Re: combinations (summary)

compiling GSL on digital unix.

complex number API


cvs problem

Debian; Building shared library version; gsl-histogram bug and patch

Does GSL have ANOVA and multiple regression?

evolutionary computation

final abstract for open source/open science conference

first (very crude) stab at an abstract

FIXED BUG: gsl-0.4.1/randist/discrete.c typename stack_t conflict on HP

FreeBSD 2.2.8 compile bug

the game's afoot, Watson

GNU-related questions.

GSL 0.4 from CVS.

GSL 0.4.1 and SGI Irix 6.5.4

GSL and Irix 6.5.3

GSL and Swarm random objects compared (fwd)

Re: GSL Gaussian: possible bug

gsl inline question

Re: GSL random stuff

Re: GSL random stuff and licensing


Re: gsl, mcsim and pspp

gsl-0.4.1 on SGI Irix6.2

gsl-0.41 and SparcWorks C

gsl0.4.1 test failures on Sun Sparc20 running Solaris2.6



In favor of C: exposing my arguments.

inexact reference in web site


install problem


just tagged release 0.5

Looking for sites with similar web content?

make check fails


Mathematics on linux! (fwd)

may need to regenerate configure

MTL, mayflies, valarray, etc

multidimensional optimization

multidimensional root finders

Re: NA Digest, V. 99, # 28

New to gsl (Re: multidimensional optimization)

Re: NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

No libgsl.a in version 0.5 under OSF1

open source, open science conference

The Plan

preparing a 0.4.1 release

preparing a new snapshot

Re: ranlux (new version)

release candidate up on sourceware

Request for additional URL submissions.

roll call for the 0.4.1 snapshot

scripting interfaces for gsl

seen on na-net

shared libraries

SIB Newsletter 11/1999

SIB Newsletter 12/1999

simple permutation generation

A small help required

Strange error.

suggest to add 'heapsort'.

SVD in linalg_simple

Re: The texinfo used by GSL

texinfo-math ?



update to sphere.c in randist

Using C or C++

Vector and matrix views (and bug report)

weird error in gsl_ran_discrete

will be away

zeta spello

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