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Re: [OpenOCD-devel] Python API for supplying thread information?

On Wed, 2017-03-22 at 13:01 +0200, Liviu Ionescu wrote:
> even if this is possible, it does not cover all debugging tools
> (increasing in popularity right now, at least for FreeRTOS) that
> might need to introspect the RTOS, for example Eclipse plug-ins to
> display the status of semaphores, queues, memory allocators, etc.

The tools you mentioned clearly don't use OpenOCD's RTOS support or
GDB's thread info for that anyway, as neither provides any info about
things you mentioned (semaphores, queues, allocators, ...). So that
hypothetical change that I suggested neither prevents nor enables them
to do that. And if these tools do that now, they do that by directly
accessing target memory via GDB, so no special support for anything
like that is required.


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