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Re: Code cleanup - split print_stop_reason / question

> This is not from me.

oh, sorry
at least, you're the last one who touched this line, right?

git blame gdb/infrun.c
8fc36186 (Jan Kratochvil     2010-09-04 14:27:43 +0000 5504)
ui_out_field_fmt (uiout, "exit-code", "0%o", (unsigned int)

> When you check the history (I use git annotate file,
> git annotate file REVISION^, git annotate file PREVREVISION^ and so on) you
> will find that line of code comes from:

ok, thanks

> AFAIK there was a tradition in UNIX to deal with program exit codes in octal.
> I do not know why.

ok, so if it's a tradition, let's perpetuate the tradition :)


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