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Re: Backtrace extraction ONLY gdb

>>>>> "Cyrille" == Maucci, Cyrille <> writes:

Cyrille> Is there any possibility to 'recompile' gdb where only the 'bt'
Cyrille> (or 'threads apply all bt') feature would be enabled?

Maybe with a lot of hacking.

If the process you need to attach to is always owned by a particular
user, you can play games with suid to restrict gdb to doing backtraces.
(Install gdb so that it is only executable by that user.  Then, make a
suid wrapper owned by that user that invokes `gdb -batch -p PID -ex
"thread apply all bt full"'.)

Alternatively, core files are good for this kind of use.  You can make
them on the production machine and then analyze them elsewhere.


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