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Wind River extensions to GDB/MI for multi-process debugging
- From: Pawel Piech <pawel dot piech at windriver dot com>
- To: gdb at sourceware dot org
- Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 11:54:29 -0800
- Subject: Wind River extensions to GDB/MI for multi-process debugging
Hi All,
I've put together a short document with an overview of our extensions to
GDB/MI relevant to multi-process/multi-core debugging. It took me ages
to get necessary approvals to share this document with the community but
it finally went through. I hope that it'll be helpful to the community
in updating the MI protocol for related functionality in GDB.
P.S. I had to covert the doc from HTML, so some of the formatting was lost.
Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Wind River Systems, Inc.
Overview of Wind River Systems debugger's extensions to the GDB/MI protocol to
support debugging multiple targets.
This document is intended to provide the background and the general
philosophy behind the DFW extensions to the protocol. It contains
information copied from various DFW reference documents which were
written at different times, so it may not reflect the current state of
the DFW protocol.
Info Retrieve
One of the principal DFW extensions to the MI protocol is the info
retrieve command. This command is used by clients to read static and
dynamic information about targets, processes, services, etc. The
following is an introduction for the info retrieval document:
This document explains the -wrs-info-retrieve command and the
-wrs-info-modify command. The DFW information retrieval command
wrs-info-retrieve allows clients to access a wide-range of detailed
information about the DFW itself and the targets for which it provides
debugging services in a consistent, hierarchical format. This
information includes the following:
1. Information about which plug-ins (target, processor, OS) are
available and their properties
2. Information about which targets the DFW has connected to, and
information about the cores (CPUs) for each of them.
3. For each core that has been connected to, the DFW information
retrieval command provides access to
1. Dynamic information about the operating system and its
objects (tasks, semaphores, etc. as applicable to the
specific operating system.
2. Dynamic information about the execution contexts (generic
term for tasks/processes/threads as applicable to the
specific operating system), which includes
i. The object modules loaded for the context
ii. The symbol information contained in the object modules
iii. The current call stack information
iv. Information about register-groups, registers, bit-fields
v. Expression evaluation
The wrs-info-modify command modifies certain DFW information (like
register values, register bit-field values, expression values etc.)
The information exposed by the wrs-info-retrieve command is structured
in a tree format similar to a file system on a workstation. Hence, the
command includes two parts:
1. The part that identifies the portion of the tree for which
information is desired. The information retrieval command defines
a simple (yet powerful) language for specifying this.
2. Additional options that may include
1. Input parameters needed for some information retrieval (e.g.
to retrieve information about evaluated expressions, the
input parameter is the expression itself)
2. Parameters that fine-tune the output (e.g. whether to print
expression values/ register values in hex/octal etc. etc.)
The output from the command for the returned information is also
structured in a consistent manner using simple rules and is conformant
to the general output format followed by other GDB-MI commands.
The exact syntax of an info retrieve command is somewhat complicated
because it has numerous options for formatting of the output, however
an example of a typical command looks like this:
11-wrs-info-retrieve -t /Targets/vincent_ruz@van-gateau default:{Name,ThreadId,
"Linux for Intel"]]
Similarly the description of all the data that can be retrieved
through this mechanism is too big to describe here, but a sample of
this description looks like this:
Dynamic information about the targets
The first target. The name of the node is the name of the target
Name of the target
Thread-id assigned for the target-wide context
Is the target connected to?
List of actual available cores on this target.
First available core
Core processor variant name
Core name (designator)
. . .
Other available cores
Cores in the target
First core in the target. Name of the node is the name of the core.
(see table below for structure under core)
. . .
Other cores
. . .
Other targets
Information about TOS objects or execution contexts, which are
represented at the DFW GDB/MI layer by "TOS object ids" (of which
thread-ids are a sub-set). TOS object-ids include
1. thread ids corresponding to execution contexts (including
target-wide and core-wide contexts)
2. ids corresponding to TOS specific objects (depending on the TOS)
such as semaphores, memory regions etc
To access information under this node, you need to provide the object
id via the -id option.
The object-id/thread-id.
The object-id/thread-id of the object that is the parent of this node
(e.g. if this object represents a Linux thread, then this would
contain the thread-id of the Linux process that owns the thread)
The thread-id of the target wide context for the target to which this
object belongs to
The thread-id of the core wide context for the core to which this
object belongs to. If this object represents a target-wide context,
this node is not applicable and would contain an empty value.
The node that represents the target to which the object belongs to.
This is a link node to the node for the target under the /Targets
Use of contexts
Throughout the info retrieve data and in other commands and events,
DFW uses context IDs in a single namespace. The contexts IDs are used
to represent targets, cores, processes, threads, other OS objects,
etc. Using a single namespace for these IDs not only simplifies the
format of commands and events, it also makes it much easier to examine
and analyze logs of debug sessions.
Target State Change Events
Target Stopped Event
container-thread-ids=["<affected container thread-ids>"],
thread-ids=["<affected thread-ids>"]
The stopped message indicates a target state change, the context
'thread-id' has stopped. If the reason is 'breakpoint-hit', then
bkptno and bkptlist are included, where bkptlist is the list of
breakpoint ids that match on the stopped address. 'bkptno' is just the
first entry in the bkptlist.
All parameters in italics are optional fields to the event. The
thread-id reported in the stopped event, will be the ID of the thread
that hit the breakpoint. The IDs in the thread-ids list report the
affected, or stopped, contexts. If a container-thread-id is
reported, then the container (and all children) is stopped. The
reported "thread-id" should never be a container context.
'frame' is always present with at least an the 'addr' address. The
fields 'func', 'args', 'file', 'line', and 'column' are only present
if there is sufficient debug information at the stopped address.
Target Running Event
The running messages indicates a target state change, the context
'thread-id' has started running. If the thread-id is of a container
context, it means that all threads within that container started
Started/Exited Events
Started event format:
creator-id="<id of the creator context>",
container-id="<id for the parent context>",
symbol-context="<id for the symbol context>",
system-id="<id for the given system context>"
Started event Example:
Exited event format:
Target Definition Commands
-target-select type parameters ...
Creates a connection in the debug engine and allows this client to
access it or allows the client to access an already existing
connection in the debug engine.
The syntax for the preliminary release is limited as shown below. The
command starts and connects to the WindISS simulator for the PPC8260
-target-select wrs-remote-dfw -params={}
-target-select wrs-remote-dfw targetDefinitionName
This command connects to the target.
-target-select wrs-remote-dfw defaultTarget
There will be a {coreName= and system-context-thread-id= if available}
tuples for each core on the target.
Notifications for target connect and core stopped if the new target is
too few parameters:
-target-select wrs-remote-dfw
^error,message="Invalid argument list: {0} {1}",parameters=["target-select","w
incorrect parameters:
-target-select remote -param={}
^error,message="Invalid command argument: {0} {1},parameters=["target-select",
See also:
[4]Target Connection Events and [5]Target State Change Events
-wrs-target-define ( defName | -n ) tgtPlugin
[-tgt targetParameterString ]
( -auto-cpu-all |
( -cpu coreName (cpuPlugin | -auto-cpu) [cpuParameterString] )*
( -tos coreName tosPlugin [tosParameterString] )* )
Creates a target definition with the specified parameters. If
"defName" is specified, then defName is the name of the definition.
This name will be used in [6]-wrs-target-connect and [7]-target-select
If the -n option is used, then a unique name is generated that is
different than all currently existing definition names. The generated
name is returned as part of the command results.
The "tgtPlugin" is the name of the target connection plugin. For
example, "ocdtargetplugin" is the name of the on-chip debug connection
The targetParameterString is a string of parameters that configures
the target connection plugin. The exact contents of the string depends
on the target connection plugin. ( See [8]OCD Target Plugin Connect
String )
Use the -auto-cpu-all option if the coreName(s) are not know but the
user just wants to connect to all cores on the specified target.
There can be zero or multiple specifications of CPU and Target OS
A CPU specification consists of a coreName, a CPU plugin name and an
optional CPU parameter string. The contents of the parameter string
depends on the CPU plugin.
If the -auto-cpu ise used in place of a name for the cpu plugin-in,
then DFW will use the target properties to determine the processor
variant associated with the specified CoreName.
The coreName is either the DesignatorName of a core on a target or is
the processor variant name. In a multi-core situation, multiple cores
may be of the same variant so the DesignatorNames must be used to
uniquely identify the cores.
A TOS specification consists of a coreName, a TOS plugin name, and an
optional TOS parameter string. The contents of the parameter string
depends on the TOS plugin.
-wrs-target-define 8260Simulator ocdtargetplugin
-tgt "DEVICE='Wind River ISS'"
-cpu MPC8260 82xxcpuplugin
The above example defines a connection to a simulator for the MPC8260.
Note that the command is shown on multiple lines for clarity. In a
real command, all the options would be on one line.
-wrs-target-define 8245-AL-3 ocdtargetplugin
-cpu U1 82xxcpuplugin
The above example defines a connection to a single board target
containing an PowerPC MPC8245 processor. The name of the definition is
"8245-AL-3". The target connection plugin is "ocdtargetplugin". The
target parameter string is shown on multiple lines but it would really
be all one line. This particular string says the connection is done
via a "Wind River ICE" over an ETHERNET connection. The address of the
ICE unit is The board file to use for the connection is
the long name as shown above. Currently, the pathname must be an
absolute path name.
If backslashes are used in the file name, they must be escaped. It
seems easier to just use forward slashes.
The CPU coreName is U1. This corresponds to the core designator name
used in the board definition file. In this particular case, since
there is only one core, the name MPC8245 could have been used instead.
The CPU plugin to use is named 82xxcpuplugin.
The connection parameters are not verified at the time of the
definition. When the target is actually connected to, there may be
errors returned from the target and cpu plugins.
This command only creates or alters an existing definition. No
connections are affected as a result of this command.
If a definition name is used for a connection that is currently
connected, errors may result if there is an attempt to change
something that is currently connected. The command can be used to add
or delete cores and TOS awareness.
No out of band records are generated as a result of this command.
* Missing parameters
* Trying to change parameters for a connected target
* Trying to change parameters for a connected core
* Trying to change parameters for a connected TOS
* Unrecognized options
See also:
[9]-target-select, [10]-wrs-target-connect,
-wrs-target-connect definitionName [ -tgt | -cpu coreName | -tos
coreName ]
This command can be used to do one of four things:
If only the definitionName is given, then the DFW target component for
the connection is created.
If the -tgt option is specified, then the target connection is
actually performed. No cores are connected, but the target connection
plugin is called.
If the -cpu option is specified, then the indicated core is loaded and
If the -tos option is specified, then the indicated TOS is loaded and
This command does not wait for the connection events to occur before
returing. The client will have to handle these events as they occur.
If a currently connected target is connected, an error results.
Connected event.
Core connection results in running or stopped.
TOS connection has no out-of-band records.
Target creation has no out-of-band records.
* invalid definition name
* invalid core name
* invalid TOS core name
* connection parameter errors.
* target or core or TOS is already connected
-wrs-target-disconnect definitionName [ -tgt | -cpu coreName | -tos
coreName ]
This command can be used to do one of four things:
If only the definitionName is given, then the DFW target component for
the connection is destroyed.
If the -tgt option is specified, then the target disconnection is
actually performed. All cores are disconnected.
If the -cpu option is specified, then the indicated core is
If the -tos option is specified, then the indicated TOS is
Depending on what is done, some out-of-band-records will occur.
Target disconnection results in:
Connection Lost event.
Core and TOS disconnection has no out-of-band records.
Target destruction has no out-of-band records.
* invalid definition name
* invalid core name
* invalid TOS core name
* target or core or TOS is not connected or created
Target Connection Events
Target Connected Event
The connection plugin has detected that the target has been
reconnected. The thread-id reflects a context that represents all
cores on the target. Some commands may not be applicable with this
Target Disonnected Event
The connection plugin has lost the connection to the target possibly
by an explicit command. The thread-id in the event message is stale
and should no longer be used in commands.
Visible links
1. file://localhost/home/pawel/presentations/Overview%20of%20DFW%20extensions%20to%20GDB_MI.html#TargetsInfoNode
2. file://localhost/home/pawel/presentations/Overview%20of%20DFW%20extensions%20to%20GDB_MI.html#CoreInfoNode
3. file://localhost/home/pawel/presentations/Overview%20of%20DFW%20extensions%20to%20GDB_MI.html#TargetsInfoNode
4. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/EventTargetConnection.html#EventTargetConnection
5. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/EventTargetStateChange.html#EventTargetStateChange
6. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_PrelimTargetConnectionControlBasic.html#WRSTargetConnect
7. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_PrelimTargetConnectionControlBasic.html#PrelimTargetSelect
8. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_OCDTargetPlugin.html#OCDConnectString
9. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_PrelimTargetConnectionControlBasic.html#PrelimTargetSelect
10. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_PrelimTargetConnectionControlBasic.html#WRSTargetConnect
11. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_PrelimTargetConnectionControlBasic.html#WRSTargetDisconnect
Hidden links:
12. file://localhost/home/pawel/doc/dfw/gdbmiclient/html/group_OCDTargetPlugin.html#OCDConnectString