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Re: multi-proc: info processes?

EBo wrote:

> Just in case you guys need to get into parsing XML I would mention Spirit++ (a
> C++ functional template library which replaces most of the functionality of
> LEX and YACC -- see for more info). IIRC,
> Spirit++ has a XML parser library suite.  I do not know if this is appropriate
> for the problem, but is a nice tool in the shed when needed.

We have a solution for parsing XML already and parse XML in a number of places. 
Besides, GDB is not written in C++, and although I hope it will be converted to C++ 
someday, I do not think it will ever make use of Spirit. (The reasons why are 
offtopic here, you can catch me in #gdb or #boost if you really want to know).

- Volodya

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