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Re: Multiprogram teaser

Very teasy.  ;-)

Say, how come you're stan at  Was "shebs" taken?

On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 18:46 -0700, Stan Shebs wrote:
> Here's a little teaser showing the results of me flogging GDB's source 
> code. In addition to the fun aspect of listing the main()s of two 
> different programs, it points up the the potential confusion of having 
> several programs in a session. What I've got so far in my prototype is 
> the ability to collect multiple execs from the command line, the 
> creation of "exec" objects from which you can select one as "current", 
> and some symbol table hacking to restrict lookups to the current executable.
> stan@adell:~/mpgdb/linux/gdb$ ./gdb -nx ~/hello ~/goodbye
> GNU gdb (GDB)
> [...]
> Attaching objfile /home/stan/hello to exec /home/stan/hello
> Attaching objfile /home/stan/goodbye to exec /home/stan/goodbye
> (gdb) list main
> 1    int glob = 45;
> 2   
> 3    main() {
> 4     mailand();
> 5      foo(glob);
> 6    printf("goodbye cruel world\n");
> 7    }
> 8   
> 9    foo(int x) {
> 10      return x + 92;
> (gdb) exec /home/stan/hello
> Setting current exec to /home/stan/hello.
> (gdb) list main
> 3      if (bar == 0)
> 4        exit(1);
> 5    }
> 6   
> 7    main()
> 8    {
> 9      bar();
> 10      printf("hello world\n");
> 11    }
> 12   
> (gdb)
> Stan

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