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Re: Automatic dependency tracking

[ I'm re-sending this, this time w/ an attachment, since sourceware
rejected the original note as too big... Andrew, sorry if you get this
twice. ]

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew STUBBS <> writes:

Andrew> OK, I understand now. Presumably it would still be possible to retain
Andrew> non-GNU make compatibility for build-only purposes by also providing a
Andrew> regular dependency - basically just removing the bar from the above - 
Andrew> and then preprocessing the Makefile, like AM_CONDITIONAL?

Yeah, probably.  Or someone could redo the Makefile in Automake, which
automates all this.

I can't emphasize enough how much nicer it is to assume GNU make than
to try to be portable.

Andrew> Auto dependency tracking would be very nice to have though. :)

I've appended a patch to do it.  I made this against the python
repository on gitorious -- but aside from the extra code for the
python objects, it would be the same for the trunk.  The patch is
nearly all deletions.

Give it a whirl & let me know what you think.  No ChangeLog entry yet,


Attachment: P.gz
Description: the patch

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