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Re: GDB Focus Group at the 2008 GCC Summit

 > Nick> Apple GDB already has fix and continue.  Couldn't that be used
 > Nick> as a reference implementaton?
 > I didn't take notes on this, but apparently fix-and-continue is kind
 > of a pain to implement, and AFAICS needs IDE integration to work
 > properly anyhow.  The Python idea is more of a cute hack than a really
 > serious thing.

I've never really used it but ISTR that Solaris dbx had this feature and there
all you needed to do when excution was stopped, was edit and compile a file,
myfile.c to myfile.o say, then do "fix myfile.o" followed by "continue" and
execution would continue with the new myfile.o patched into the executable.
This all worked from the command line.


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