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Re: What do I need to look at the source while debugging?

Problem is:
1. I'm using Gentoo Linux.
2. I compiled and installed wxGTK from sources trunk.
3. I compiled and installed unixODBC-2.2.12 from Portage using this:

PORTAGE_TMPDIR=/home/igor FEATURES=keepwork emerge unixODBC

4. I have KDevelop and gdb installed.
5. Using KDevelop I created an application using wxGTK (wxWidgets) library.
6. This library is linking with and It compiles and runs fine.
7. Using gdb I can freely step through my own program sources and wxGTK sources either when run from KDevelop or from console (GNOME or KDE).
8. However, stepping into unixODBC sources is impossible. It says "no source file...".

unixODBC sources are present in the directory /home/igor/portage/unixODBC-2.2.12/work/unixODBC-2.2.12 and they are accessible for the current user.

That's pretty much have it.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Snyder <>
>Sent: Jun 15, 2008 3:27 PM
>To: Igor Korot <>
>Subject: Re: What do I need to look at the source while debugging?
>On Sun, 2008-06-15 at 14:52 -0700, Igor Korot wrote:
>> OK, so what else can I try?
>> Do I need to reconfigure and re-build?
>I'm sorry, but I've lost the thread of what you're trying to do.
>Something to do with viewing your source files, but I'm not sure
>if we can help you unles we can reproduce your problem.
>Can you reduce this to a minimal test case?
>One that should not involve having to use
>any particular environment outside of gdb
>in order to reproduce it?

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