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Re: (len % 1) != 0

Dave Korn wrote:
On 19 February 2008 18:23, Paul Koning wrote:

"Dave" == Dave Korn <> writes:
 Dave> On 19 February 2008 16:30, Sheng-Liang Song wrote:
 >> or
 >> (len & 1) != 0 <=> (len % 2) != 0

 Dave> That would have the advantage of not requiring a divide
 Dave> operation :)

It shouldn't matter -- the optimizer will do the right thing, as I

NB len == signed int.

  Yes, it can simplify it to a bunch of shifts and sign extends and masks
without using an explicit divide, but it's not as good as a simple AND
operation.  (Maybe VRP in 4.x could handle that by knowing that the result of
strlen has to be >= 0, but 3.x series won't do it).

?? Not to be pedantic, but on 3.4.3 for mipsel-linux I get:

$ cat j.c
int f1 (int a)
    return (a % 2) != 0;
$ mipsel-linux-gcc -c -O3 j.c
$ mipsel-linux-objdump -d j.o

j.o: file format elf32-tradlittlemips

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <f1>:
   0:   03e00008        jr      ra
   4:   30820001        andi    v0,a0,0x1

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