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RE: -var-update using formatted value

> > In my case, since I display all formats (sometimes), I need to do 
> > var-evaluate-expression on every displayed variable, since var-update won't 
> > properly tell me which variable really changed (in the case of float and strings).
> We should fix that.  Is checking in natural format the answer?  Do we
> really need to check all supported formats - that could get out of
> hand if we support custom formatting someday.

I didn't find an example where checking the natural format would not work.
But that may not mean much :-)
Boolean could have been a problem (0x1, 0x2, 0x3 etc are all "true" in natural),
but it seems that for now, GDB always shows 0x1 for true.

A safer way may be to have GDB check for content difference, as it used to do
before.  But it would also need to check the natural printed format for strings
(to detect a change from "GDB" to "GNU").


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