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Re: Errors in gdb6.4 "incomplete CFI data" and "const value lengthmismatch"

> I am using gdb 6.4. I get a lot of errors like

> >>During symbol reading, incomplete CFI data; unspecified registers (e.g., rax)
> >>at 0x1452fa.

> I also get errors like

It's not an error, just a warning.

Why does it occur and how can I eliminate this problem ? Setting complaints=1 gives me one
instance of this warning. Setting complaints=20 gives me multiple instances of it. Maybe by understanding the root cause of this problem, I might be able to eliminate the warning completely.

> >>During symbol reading, const value length mismatch for '<some symbol>', got
> >>8, expected 0.

I don't know what this one is.

> 1. Is it a wise thing to set complaints to 0 ?
> Setting it to a huge value like "set complaints 20" gives me a huge set of the
> above warnings.

I think it's perfectly fine - that's why it's the default.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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