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Re: invoking GDB from FE and signals

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 11:48 -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 11:20:21AM -0400, Bob Rossi wrote:
> > When I say "the supported way", I'm assuming there is a way GDB provides
> > for FE's to work with it in regards to sending signals, in particularly
> > ^c.
> But there isn't :-)
> > If GDB doesn't provide this functionality and it's mere hackers
> > chance that all of us FE's are getting this to work most of the time,
> > then I understand what you mean.
> > 
> > Othewise, if GDB has been designed to accept signal during certain
> > circumstances, and not during others, I would love to know what those
> > are so that I can benefit from using this functionality.
> If there were such a design, hopefully, it would be in the manual.  All
> of this is generally legacy from the GDB CLI, which is designed to work
> with the host's job control.  When the inferior is running and you
> press Control-C, the signal goes to the inferior, not to GDB.
> Your needs may be different.

Just to add a little detail about the 'normal' case:  You press
<cntl-c>, the tty handler intercepts it and sends a signal to the
inferior.  Because the inferior is being debugged, *any* signal causes
it to stop, letting the debugger know that it stopped due to a
particular signal.  When gdb causes the inferior to run again, gdb
decides if the signal should be 'passed through' to the inferior'.

I hope I'm not being pedantic.

-=# Paul #=-

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