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CLI commands in MI

Bob Rossi writes:
 > I'm thinking it would be a good idea to remove the ability to enter CLI
 > commands into the MI interpreter. Does anyone disagree?

Yes.  I find it very convenient to see whats going on.  To get to a given
execution state its easier type the CLI command directly, rather than the MI
one which is generally longer and doesn't allow abbreviations, or prefix
everything with -interpreter-exec.

 > I think the only thing it can cause is confusion. Especially since
 > entering the '-exec-run' command gives different results than the
 > '-interpreter-exec console "r"' command which gives different results
 > than the 'r' command.

I don't how you can say that as directly entered CLI commands now (implicitly)
use -interpreter-exec console.  AFAICS the only difference is the extra &"r\n".

 > Now that -interpreter-exec is available, is there any reason beyond
 > trying to confuse us all that console commands are allowed?

No one is forcing you to use it.  Why would you want to force others not
to use it?


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