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tracepoint implementation question

HI !

 I'm playing with tracepoints and ran across a problem with the actions.

 I added the basic package handling as a set of dummy routines that basically
 print information for now only + a dummy handler that just prints when it
 got called. The test code on the target is:

void junk2(int *someint){
        int junk=1;
        printf("got %d (%d)\n",*someint,junk);

        int i=0;
        return 0;

This basically is working

(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0x400007b0 in ?? ()
(gdb) symbol-file gdbserver/hello
Reading symbols from /root/tracepoints/gdb-6.3-tp1/gdb/gdbserver/hello...done.
(gdb) trace junk2
Tracepoint 1 at 0x80483df: file hello.c, line 8.
(gdb) actions
Enter actions for tracepoint 1, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
> collect $regs
> end
(gdb) tstart
(gdb) c

Program exited normally.

received pkt (QTinit)
Q packet received (QTinit)
received pkt (QTDP:1:080483df:E:0:0-)
Q packet received (QTDP:1:080483df:E:0:0-)
tracepoint data (QTDP:1:080483df:E:0:0-)
tp request 1 at address 80483df (state: 1)
received pkt (QTDP:-1:080483df:R03FFFFFFFFFF)
Q packet received (QTDP:-1:080483df:R03FFFFFFFFFF)
tracepoint data (QTDP:-1:080483df:R03FFFFFFFFFF)
packet data tc 1: (R03FFFFFFFFFF)
continuation for tp 1 at address 80483df
received pkt (QTStart)
Q packet received (QTStart)
tracepoint start (QTStart)
received pkt (vCont?)
received pkt (vCont;c)
tp breakpoint triggert at 80483df
got 0 (1)
tp breakpoint triggert at 80483df
got 1 (1)

 Now I started adding the different actions and found that only 
 "collect $regs" seems to be supported/working on the host side.
 I get the register array and could now collect it in the handler 
 that is called - but if I try anything else like:

(gdb) actions 1
Enter actions for tracepoint 1, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
> collect someint
> end
(gdb) tstart
someint: don't know symbol class 21

no packet is obviously sent to the target - the same for args

(gdb) actions 1
Enter actions for tracepoint 1, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
> collect $args
> end
(gdb) tstart
warning: don't know how to trace local symbol someint
warning: No args found in scope.

The tracepoint is set but no information on the object to collect is sent
to the target.

Is there any docs on the details of tracepoints ? 
is this part of the gdb code actually actively maintained or am I wasting my 
time trying to get this to work ? 
Is there any further information on tracepoints available other than the 
protocol/packet spec - some sort of design doc ?

thx !

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