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Re: MI usage inside a user-defined commands

 > I mean the "define" feature itself works fine under MI (that is expected), 
 > but allows only CLI commands inside (that is not expected). From the first 
 > view it looks like broken CLI-compatibility...

The manual says:

  A "user-defined command" is a sequence of GDB commands...

GDB command implicitly means CLI command.  I guess an equivalent MI command
could be implemented to execute a sequence of MI commands, but I'm not sure
that it would be needed.

I don't know why you expect "define", a CLI command to accept a list of
MI commands.  Likewise, "source filename" and breakpoint command lists will
only work with CLI commands.

What does seem wrong is that MI no longer works properly with queries:

-interpreter-exec console "b asdf"
&"Function \"asdf\" not defined.\n"
~"Breakpoint 2 (asdf) pending.\n"

The user should be asked:

Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])


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