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Re: Remote set thread breakpoint

>>I'm thinking about extending the remote protocol for thread breakpoints.
>>But if this would cause incompatibilities with existing parsers it may
>>be better to create a new command, even if it's just Z5 and the rest
>>is the same.
>>What would be better? Or is something like that already in the pipe?
>Yes [zZ]5 would be safer.  Would also be a good oportunity to formalize how to probe support for this packet - Z5?  Given things like vCont and its vCont? query, a [better?] alternative might be be vBP...

I don't know what the general plans for gdb are. I just thought it would go
along with the other Z commands. Of course vBP is another alternative.
But if all new commands are vSomething... Well, first I need to have
some code, renaming later (before committing :) shouldn't be that hard.

>Just note that there is a small challenge here.  GDB internally assumes that breakpoints are global (it's a limitation / bug) - you'll need to also investigate  what needs to be changed closer to GDB's core.

There is already the command "break foo thread id", so some support is
already there. But I guess the more difficult point is if gdb uses these
commands internally e.g. for debugging. I'll see if I can do something. Or I
end up by hitting the big delete key... :)


bye  Fabi

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